Modelnavn, Nombre de modelo, Nombre del modelo, Nome de modelo, Modellbezeichnung, Modelnaam, Nom du modèle, II nome di modello, Montevlo proi>ovntoı, Asiakkaan puh.nro, Modelnaven, Modell


Serienummer, No. de serie, Número serial, Seriennummer, Serie nummer, Numéro de série, II numero di matricola, Ariqmovı kataskeuhvı, Malli, Serienummer., Serienr


Kóbetid, Kø bsadato, Fecha de compra, Data de compra, Kaufdatum, Datum van aankoop, Date d’achat, La data d’acquisto, Hmeromhniva agoravı agorasthv, Asiakkaan osoite, Salgsdato, Inköpsdatumv


Kundesnavn, Kundenavn, Nombre de cliente, Nombrre del cliente, Nome de cliente, Name des Kunden,

Naam van klant, Nom du client, il nome del clinte, Onomatepwvnumo tou agopasthv, Sarjanro, Kundens navn, Kundens namn


Kundesadress, Kundetelefonnummer, No. de Tel. de client, No. de Tel del cliente, Número de telefone de cliente, Telefonnummer des Kunden, Telefoon nummer van klant, Numéro de téléphone du client, il numero de telefono del client , Ariqmovı thlefwvnou tou agorasthv, Myyjän puh.nro, Kundens telefonnr, Kundens telefonnr.


Kundeasdress, Kundeadresse, Dirección de client, Direccion del cliente, Endereco de cliente, Adresse des Kunden, Adres van klant, adresse du client, L’indrizzo del cliente. Dieuvqunsh tou agopasthv, Ostopäivä, Kundens adresse, Customer’s address


Handlendesnavn, Forhandler, Nombre de negociante, Nombre del vendedor, Nome de vendedor, Name des Händlers, Naam van handelaar, Nom du marchand, il nome del commerciante, Onoma tou katasthvmatoı, Jalleenmyyjan, Forhandler, Aterforsaljare


Handlendestelesonnummer, Forhandlertelefonnummer, No. de Tel. de negociante, No. de Tel. del vendedor,

Número de telefone de vendedor, Telefonnummer des Handlers, Telefoon nummer van handelaar, Numéro tél´phone du marchand, il numero di telefono del commeciante, Ariqmovı thlefwvnou tou katasthvmatoı, Myyjän osoite, Forhandlerens tel.nr., Handlarens telefonnr.


Handlendesadress, Forhandleradresse, Dirección de negociante, Dirección del vendedor. Endereco de vendedor, Adresse des Händlers, Adres van handelaar, Adresse du marchand, Dieuvqunsh tou katasthmatoı, Asiakkaan nimi, Forhandlerens adresse, Handlarens adress




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Saı eucaristouvme gia thn empistosuvnh pou deivxate sthn SAMSUNG me thn agoravauthvı thı suskeuhvı.

To proi>ovn autovthı SAMSUNG eivnai egguhmevno gia perivodo dwvdeka (12) mhnwvn apovthn pragmatikhvhmeromhniva agoravı tou gia antallaktikavkai ergatikav.

Sthn perivptwsh pou qa creiasteivepiskeuhv, to proi>ovn autovthı SAMSUNG qa prevpei na staleivsto exousiodothmevno service. Exousiodothmevnoi antiprovswpoi kai exousiodothmevna kevntra service thı SAMSUNG, se avlleı Eurwpai¨kevı cwvreı, qa apodectouvn touı ovrouı thı egguvhshı sthn cwvreı ovpou evcei agorasteivto proi>ovn.

Plhroforiveı gia ta exousiodothmevna kevntra service mporeivte na pavrete apovthnÚ


17o clm. Eqnikhvı OdouvAqhnwvn - Aamivaı

145 10 Khfisiav

Thl. 620.32.46/-7/-8


1.H egguvhsh iscuvei eavn kai movnon ovtan to proi>ovn creiavzetai service kai h egguhtikhvkavrta evcei plhvrwı sumplhrwqeivkai proskomisqeivmazivme to pragmatikov

timolovgio hvthn apovdeixh plhrwmhvı kai o ariqmovı tou proi¨ovntoı eivnai eukrinhvı.

2.H upocrevwsh thı SAMSUNG aforavmovno thn episkeuhvtou proi¨ovntoı.

3.H episkeuhvtou proi>ovntoı prevpei na anativqetai se exousiodothmevna kevntra service hvse exousiodothmevnouı antiproswvpouı thı SAMSUNG. Kammiva apovzhmivwsh den qa givnei apodekthvgia episkeuevı pou evcoun givnei apovmh exousiodothmevna apovthn SAMSUNG sunergeiva hv antiproswvpouı, kaqwvı epivshı kai gia kavqe episkeuhvkai zhmiveı pou proklhvqhkan katavthn episkeuhvauthvpou den kaluvptontai apovtou” ovrouı thı egguhvsewı.

4.To proi>ovn autovden qa qewrhqeivellatwmatikovsta ulikavhvsthn ergasiva kataskeuhvı eavn qa prevpei na prosarmosteiv, metatrapeivhvruqmisteivwvste na summorfwqeivme tiı eqnikevı hv topikev” tecnikevı prodiagrafevı hvprodiagrafevı pou iscuvoun se opoiadhvpote cwvha avllh ap jauthvgia thn opoiva prooriıovtan kai kataskeuavsthke.

H egguvhsh authvden kaluvptei apozhmiwvseiı giaÚ

a)Belovneı kai kefaleı pik-ap

b)kefalevı video kai kasetofwvnwn

g)kefalevı camcordor

d)gennhvtrieı aktivnwn laser sta compact disk


st) lucniveı fouvrnwn mikrokumavtwn

z)prosarmogevı, metatropeı hvruqmivseiı hvprospavqeieı proı touvto, anexavrthta tou eavn hvnan epituceiı hvanepituceivı ouvte opoiadhvpote zhmiva pou eivnai apotevlesma touı.

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Samsung SV-DVD540 instruction manual Ele

SV-DVD540 specifications

The Samsung SV-DVD540 is a versatile and compact DVD player that has earned a reputation for its reliability and ease of use. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, this player is perfect for users who want a straightforward device to enjoy their favorite movies and media.

One of the standout features of the Samsung SV-DVD540 is its ability to play a wide variety of disc formats, including DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, and standard DVDs. This versatility allows users to watch their favorite films, home videos, or listen to music CDs without compatibility issues. The player also supports multiple audio formats, ensuring a quality sound experience regardless of the media being played.

The DV-D540 incorporates Samsung's advanced video technology, which enhances the clarity and color of the images produced. With its progressive scan capability, this DVD player offers a clearer, smoother picture by reducing motion blur. This feature is particularly beneficial when viewing fast-paced action films or sports, as it enhances the overall viewing experience.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the SV-DVD540 is its user-friendly interface. The remote control is intuitively designed, making navigation simple and efficient for users of all ages. Whether you're looking to access the setup menu, adjust playback options, or browse through your DVD collection, the controls are straightforward and responsive. This ease of use sets the player apart from more complex systems that may overwhelm beginners.

The sleek and compact design of the Samsung SV-DVD540 also makes it a fitting addition to any entertainment setup. It can easily fit on most shelves or TV stands without taking up too much space, adding to its appeal as a home media device.

In terms of output, the SV-DVD540 features multiple connection options, including composite video and audio outputs, allowing it to connect seamlessly to a variety of televisions and sound systems. This flexibility ensures that users can set up their entertainment system to meet their needs comfortably.

Overall, the Samsung SV-DVD540 is a reliable and high-performing DVD player that combines various robust features with a user-friendly design, making it a popular choice for anyone looking to enhance their home media experience. Whether you’re revisiting classic films or discovering new releases, the SV-DVD540 is an excellent companion for entertainment enthusiasts.