Informācija par programmu

Atlasiet virtuālās tālvadības pults paneļa vai standarta tālvadības pults pogu INFO. Parādās šobrīd skatītās programmas informācijas ekrāns. Informācijas ekrānā nospiediet skārienjutīgo paneli un tad atlasiet programmas ierakstīšanu. Varat arī vilkt pa kreisi vai pa labi pa skārienjutīgo paneli un atlasīt programmu, kura tiks translēta vēlāk, lai rezervētu to ierakstīšanai vēlāk. Šī funkcija ir pieejama tikai digitāliem kanāliem.

LED 4500 - 6300 sērijas modeļiem

Nospiediet pogu INFO programmai, kas iekļauta pašreizējā laika periodā, lai ierakstītu to. Nospiediet tālvadības pults pogu lvai run atlasiet programmu, kura tiks translēta vēlāk, lai veiktu tās plānotu ierakstīšanu. Ierakstīšanas plānošana ir pieejama tikai digitāliem kanāliem.

Noteikts laiks un datums

111Palaidiet Grafiku pārvaldnieks un tad atlasiet Grafiks. Parādās uznirstošā izvēlne. Lai turpinātu, atlasiet Ierakstīšanas grafiks.

222Norādiet programmas Antena, Kanāls, Atkārtot, Sākuma laiks un Beigu laiks un tad, lai beigtu, atlasiet Labi.

Ierakstīšanas grafika funkcijas atcelšana

Lai atceltu konkrētas programmas ierakstīšanas grafiku, atlasiet šo programmu ekrānā Grafiku pārvaldnieks. Parādās uznirstošā izvēlne. Lai atceltu, atlasiet Dzēst.

Taimera saraksta rediģēšana

Atlasiet vienumu ekrānā Grafiku pārvaldnieks un tad atlasiet uznirstošajā izvēlnē opciju Red.. Tagad varat rediģēt atlasītā vienuma iestatījumus.

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Samsung UE46F5500AWXXH, UE42F5570SSXZG manual Taimera saraksta rediģēšana, Ierakstīšanas grafika funkcijas atcelšana

UE40F6670SBXXH, UE55F6650SBXXH, UE42F5500AWXXH, UE32F6400AKXXH, UE75F6300AWXXH specifications

The Samsung UE22F5410AWXXH, UE22F5405AKXXE, UE22F5410AYXZT, UE22F5400AYXZT, and UE22F5400AWXXC represent a collection of compact LED televisions designed to deliver impressive viewing experiences in smaller spaces. With screen sizes around 22 inches, these models cater to users who desire quality entertainment without sacrificing too much space.

One of the main features common across these models is their LED backlighting technology, which enhances brightness and color accuracy, leading to vibrant images. Samsung's commitment to picture clarity is evident in their use of the Wide Color Enhancer technology. This feature optimizes color reproduction and improves image quality, ensuring that users enjoy every scene in vivid detail. The HD Ready resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels further supports this ambition, providing sharp images that make watching movies, shows, and games a delight.

In terms of sound quality, these models integrate Dolby Digital Plus for a rich audio experience. It enhances dialogue clarity and ensures that background music and effects are well balanced, adding depth to the overall viewing experience. The built-in speakers are designed to complement the visual output, making these TVs suitable for various applications—from watching films to playing video games.

Connectivity options are also a strong suit for these Samsung models. They typically feature multiple HDMI and USB ports, allowing users to connect various devices like gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and USB storage devices easily. This versatility ensures that users can easily access content from a range of sources without needing to switch devices constantly.

Smart TV capabilities are included in some of the models, offering users access to a variety of streaming services. This connectivity enables users to watch their favorite shows and movies on platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, and others, all from the comfort of their own home.

The stylish design of these Samsung TVs provides aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for any room's décor. The slim profile and sleek finish allow them to fit seamlessly into small spaces, whether on a stand or mounted on a wall.

Overall, the Samsung UE22F5410AWXXH, UE22F5405AKXXE, UE22F5410AYXZT, UE22F5400AYXZT, and UE22F5400AWXXC offer an impressive blend of advanced technologies, quality features, and user-friendly connectivity. They are ideal choices for consumers looking for performance and flexibility in compact television solutions.