uređivanje slika fi lma


Ova funkcija radi samo u načinu Reprodukcije. ￿strana 17

Možete kombinirati dvije različite slike fi lma.

1.Dodirnite karticu HD fi lm ( HD) ili SD fi lm ( SD).

U skladu s tim pojavljuje se pregled indeksa sličice.

2.Dodirnite karticu za Izbornik () ￿ Edit￿ Combine.

Ako se sličica fi lma koju želite urediti ne nalazi na zaslonu, dodirnite karticu za gore () ili dolje () da pređete na sljedeću skupinu opcija.

3.Dodirnite slike fi lma koje želite kombibirati.

( ￿ ) Prikazan je indikator na odabranim slikama fi lma.

Dodir na sličicu fi lma prebacuje između odabrane sličice fi lma za kombiniranje ( ( ￿ ) se pojavljuje indikator) ili ne (indikator ( ￿ ) je uklonjen sa slike).

Ne možete odabrati i kombinirati dvije slike različite razlučivosti.

4.Dodirnite karticu U redu ( OK ).

Pojavljuje se poruka “Combine selected two files?”.

5.Dodirnite “Yes.

Sličica prve slike fi lma pojavljuje se na kombiniranoj slici fi lma.









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Cont. Capture



Partial Delete


1 / 1


• Moguće je kombinirati slike fi lma sa drugačijom razlučivosti.


80 Min

Na primjer, ako postoji jedna snimljena slika fi lma [HD] 1080/25p i dvije slike fi lma na [HD] 1080/50i, možete kombinirati samo dvije slike filma na [HD] 1080/50i, ne i sliku filma na [HD] 1080/25p.

Ne možete kombinirati zaštićene slike. Najprije morate odpustiti zaštitnu funkciju da ju zalijepite. ￿strana 88

Dvije slike fi lma kombinirane su odabranim redoslijedom i obnovljene kao slike fi lma.

Izvorne slike fi lma neće biti sačuvane.

Foto slike se ne mogu kombinirati.

Također mu možete pristupiti pomoću gumba Q.MENU.

Pritisnite gumb Q.MENU. ￿ Dodirnite “Edit.￿ Dodirnite “Combine.

Najviše 2 slike fi lma mogu se kombinirati zaredom.

Možete izvesti funkciju kombiniranja najmanje pri 2 MB preostalog memorijskog prostora na ugrađenoj memoriji ili memorijskoj kartici.

Ovu funkciju ne možete koristiti ako je ukupna veličina odabranih video datoteka za kombiniranje 3,5 GB ili veća.

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84_ Croatian

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Samsung VP-HMX20C/EDC manual Kombiniranje Dvije Slike Filma, Pojavljuje se poruka Combine selected two files?

VP-HMX20C/EDC specifications

The Samsung VP-HMX20C is a compact and versatile camcorder that is designed to meet the needs of both amateur and professional videographers. This device is available in several variants, including VP-HMX20C/XER, VP-HMX20C/XEE, VP-HMX20C/XEU, VP-HMX20C/XEK, and VP-HMX20C/EDC, each catering to specific markets or regions.

One of the standout features of the VP-HMX20C is its advanced 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor, which provides high-definition video recording capabilities at 1080p resolution. This ensures that users can capture stunning, crystal-clear footage in various lighting conditions, enhancing the overall video quality. The camcorder also supports a 20x optical zoom, allowing users to get closer to the action without sacrificing image quality. This is particularly beneficial for capturing distant subjects or detailed shots during events such as sports, concerts, or nature documentaries.

In addition to its impressive video capabilities, the VP-HMX20C excels in photo quality, featuring the ability to take still images while recording video. The camera’s specialized lens system contributes to sharp and vibrant images, making it suitable for both video and photography enthusiasts. The device's intuitive user interface allows for easy navigation through settings and options, ensuring a streamlined recording experience.

The VP-HMX20C is equipped with advanced stabilization technology, which helps to reduce the effects of camera shake, ensuring smoother footage during handheld recordings. Additionally, the camcorder features a built-in microphone with wind noise reduction capabilities, enhancing audio clarity during recording, an essential factor for high-quality video production.

Connectivity is another key aspect of the VP-HMX20C. The camcorder supports HDMI output for easy connection to HDTVs, allowing users to view their footage on larger screens. It also features USB connectivity for easy file transfer to computers and external storage devices.

The device has a compact and lightweight design, making it highly portable and easy to carry, perfect for on-the-go video shooting. With a long-lasting battery life, the VP-HMX20C ensures that users can capture their experiences without interruptions. Overall, the Samsung VP-HMX20C series is a powerful and adaptable camcorder that meets the diverse needs of video creators.