Kir yuvish

Samsung yangi kir yuvish mashinasi bilan kir yuvishda eng qiyini bu qaysi kirni birinchi navbatda yuvish to’g’risida qarorni qabul qilishdir.


Birinchi kir yuvishdan oldin kirsiz kir yuvishning to’liq siklini ishga tushirish kerak.

1.Yoqish tugmasini bosing.

2. Kir yuvish vositalari uchun bo’linmasining bo’limiga kir yuvish vositasining ozroq miqdorini qo’shing.

3. Kir yuvish mashinasiga suvni quyishni yoqing.

4.Start/Pauza tugmasini bosing

Bunda ishlab chiqaruvchi zavodda bajarilgan sinovlardan so’ng mashinada qolib ketishi mumkin bo’lgan suv chiqib ketadi.

-bo’lim: dastlabki kir yuvish uchun kir yuvish vositasi yoki kraxmal.

-bo’lim: asosiy kir yuvish vositasi, suvni yumshatish vositasi, dastlabki ivitish vositasi, oqartirgich va dog’ ketkazgich.

Suyuq kir yuvish vositalarni ishlatish uchun suyuq kir yuvish quttisidan foydalaning (см. соответствующую модель на стр. 31 данного руководства пользователя). Не насыпайте порошковое моющее средство в дозатор для жидкого моющего средства.

-bo’lim: qo’shimchalar, masalan kir konditsioneri yoki qo’shimcha vositalar [“A” to’sig’ining pastki chetidan yuqori bo’lmagan miqdorda (MAKS.) to’ldirish kerak)].


1.Kirni kir yuvish mashinasiga soling.

Kir yuvish mashinasini haddan tashqari yuklamang. Yuklash hajmini aniqlash uchun har bir kir turi OGOHLANTIRISH uchun 30-betdagi jadvalga qarang.

• Kir eshik bilan qisilib qolmaganligini tekshiring, chunki bu suv oqib ketishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

• Kir yuvish siklidan so’ng kir yuvish vositasi kir yuvish mashinasining old qismlaridagi rezina zichlagichlarida qolib ketishi mumkin. Qolib ketgan kir yuvish vositasini olib tashlang, chunki bu suv oqib ketishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Suv yuqmaydigan materiallarni yuvmang.

2.Eshikni chiqillagunga qadar yoping.

3.Kir yuvish mashinasini o’chiring.

4.Kir yuvish vositalari bo’linmasiga kir yuvish vositasi va qo’shimchalarni soling.

5.Yuklangan kir uchun kerakli sikl va parametrlarni tanlang.

Kir yuvish indikatori yonadi va displeyda kir yuvish siklining ehtimoldagi davomiyligi aks ettiriladi.

6.Start/Pauza tugmasini bosing


kir yuvish _21

WF700U0BD-03423A-02_UZ.indd 21

2014/8/11 16:59:18

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Samsung WF700U0BDWQDLP, WF700U0BDWQ/LP, WF600U0BCWQDLP, WF600U0BCWQ/LP Kir yuvish, Birinchi KIR Yuvish, Umumiy KO’RSATMALAR


The Samsung WF600U0BCWQ/LP, WF600U0BCWQDLP, WF700U0BDWQDLP, and WF700U0BDWQ/LP are modern washing machines designed to enhance laundry efficiency while ensuring optimal care of fabrics. These models reflect Samsung's commitment to incorporating innovative technologies that cater to contemporary household needs.

One of the standout features is the EcoBubble technology, which generates bubbles that penetrate fabrics quickly and remove dirt efficiently, even in cool water. This not only saves energy but also helps preserve the color and quality of clothes over time. Users can enjoy effective cleaning results without the need for high-temperature washes, making these models a sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Another significant characteristic of these washing machines is their advanced digital inverter motor. This motor operates quietly and efficiently, reducing energy consumption while ensuring longevity. The reduced noise levels allow for convenient laundry cycles at any time of the day without disrupting the household.

The Quick Wash option is a real time-saver for those with busy lifestyles. This feature allows users to clean lightly soiled clothes in as little as 15 minutes, which is perfect for when time is of the essence. Furthermore, the Trained Capacity of these models offers ample space to handle larger loads, catering to families or individuals who prefer fewer laundry sessions.

Samsung has also incorporated a wide range of washing programs, accommodating various fabric types and cleaning needs. From delicate items to heavily soiled workwear, these machines come equipped with settings that ensure optimal wash cycles for every scenario, enhancing the overall laundry experience.

Maintenance is also addressed with features like the Self Clean+ function. This innovative technology helps keep the drum clean and hygienic, reminding users when it’s time for a routine cleaning cycle, thus reducing the buildup of detergent residue and ensuring fresh-smelling laundry.

Finally, the sleek and modern design of these washing machines complements any laundry room decor, making them not just practical, but aesthetically pleasing as well. With user-friendly controls and a digital display, operating these machines is intuitive and accessible for everyone.

In summary, the Samsung WF600U0BCWQ/LP, WF600U0BCWQDLP, WF700U0BDWQDLP, and WF700U0BDWQ/LP models are excellent choices for those seeking efficient, technology-driven, and user-friendly washing machines that deliver exceptional performance while being mindful of energy consumption and fabric care.