￿Before you start - See pages 41~43 to see how to create and transfer playlists to your player. To create a playlist on the player, refer to page 44.

1.Press and briefly hold the [] button to move to the main menu screen.

2.Press the [ , ] button to select <Music> and then press the [ ] button.

￿ The <Music> list will appear.



3.Press the [ , ] button to select <Playlist> and then press the [ ] button.

￿The <Playlist> will appear.

￿If there is no playlist found, you will see a <No file.> message on the screen.

4.Press the [ , ] button to select the playlist of your choice, and then press the [ ] button.

￿The music files saved in the selected playlist will appear.

￿If you want to play a playlist created on the player, select the <Favorite.spl> folder.

5.Press the [ , ] button to select the file to play and then

press the button.

￿The music will start playing.

listening to music _ 45