Your mp3 player comes with settings and preferences that were set up at the factory, but you can change these pre-set values to truly customize your player.

￿Press the [] button to move to the previous screen.

NOTE Press and briefly hold the [] button to move to the main menu screen.

Music preferences

1.Press and briefly hold the [] button to move to the main menu screen.

2.Press the [ , ] button to select

<Settings> and then press the [ ] button.

￿The <Settings> menu appears.

3.Press the [ , ] button to select <Music> and then press the [ ] button.

￿The <Music> menu appears.

4.Use the [ , , , ] and buttons to choose the settings you prefer.


User Button Mo..

FM Radio



3D-User Set

User EQ Set

Play Mode

￿Press the [ ] button to move to the previous item.

￿Press the [ ] button to move to the next item/select the menu.

￿Press the [ , ] button to move up or down through the current menu.

￿If the <Settings> screen is open and you don’t push any buttons for about

NOTE 40 seconds, the unsaved settings will be lost, and the player will return to the previous function.

the basics _ 17