PJ Master
Owner’s Manual

When selecting a server on the tree view window, the linked targets or servers under the selected

server are listed on the status list view window. Their status information are acquired from the data-

base in the top server and displayed on the status list view window.

After spending the predefined interval time* or executing Refresh command, the latest status infor-

mation in the database in the selected server is displayed on the status list view window.

* See item “System Setting” for interval time (p.25).
Menu tree

Menu Sub menu Operation

Display Status... Displays selected target status on the status window (p.35)
Alert... Lists existing alert events on the alert window (p.36 )
Alert Export... Exports existing alert information as text file (csv file)
Log - Error... Lists error events on the error log window (p.36)
Alert... Lists alert events on the alert log window (p.38)
Command History...
Lists command history on the history log window (p.40)
Refresh Updates window information. When this command is exe-
cuted, the PJ Master acquires target information from the da-
tabase and displays them on the status window. The PJ Master
does not access the target or server directly to get the status,
so it may differ between the status displayed on the window
and the actual status of the target.
Tool bar... Switches tool bar display on or off (p.18)
Exit Quits the PJ Master
Projector Warning Setting...* Sets warning value of use time and temperature (p.30)
Global Setting...*
Displays projector global setting window (p.31)
PDP Global Setting...*
Displays PDP global setting window (p.31)
System Group Edit...* Registers servers and targets with tree construction (p.19)
Group Export...* Exports the tree information of the servers and targets as
the csv file (p.24)
Interval Time Setting...
Sets interval time to update the status list view window (p.25)
Temperature Selection... Selects temperature unit Celsius or Fahrenheit (p.25)
Warning Reception Setting...
Sets warning reception type “Sound” and/or “Window” (p.26)
Encryption Setting...* Sets encryption communication on or off (p.27)
Column Selection...
Selects display columns on the status list view window (p.28)
Font Setting... Sets font on the status list view window (p.29)
IP Address Setting... Selects an IP address manually (p.27)
Update PJ Master Update...* Used to update software PJ Master (p.41)
PJ-Net Update...* Used to update firmware of the Network Board (p.42)
PJ Update...* Used to update firmware of the projector or PDP (p.43)
Help Version... Displays the PJ Master version information (p.44)
* Only available at the top server.