Chapter 3 Basic operation
Adding the top server1. Right-click on the server edit window and select Add on the popup menu. The new server regis-
tering window appears.
2. Enter the topserver information.
Item Description
Server name Name of the top ser ver
IP Address Enter IP address assigned to the top server
Disconnect Number*1 0
Telnet Password*2 Password for telnet connection to the target. Should be set the same login
password to the target.
License Key*3 Enter the product license key affixed on the Quick Setu Guide.
3. Click OK to set the information. The setting window will close.
*1 Disconnect Number is to specify the maximum number of the disconnected server s and targets
managed by the upper server. If the upper server detects disconnected targets more than this value,
the server judges that they are not ready to be controlled and leaves them from target monitoring.
The icon color of the server is changed to blue to show you the status.
*2 Unified login passward to the targets placed into the same group should be used.
*3 The PJ Master enable you to register a top server and up to 3 tar gets without license key for the
test purpose.
Adding the sub server1. Right-click on a top server on the server edit window and select Add on the popup menu. The
new server registering window appears.
2. Enter the sub server information as the above of “Adding the top server”.
3. Click OK to set the information. The setting window will close. The server is registered under the
selected top server or sub server.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to register the servers.
Important notice on license key entryThe license key is affixed on the Quick Setup Guide supplied with the CD-ROM. Each PJ Master on the
servers is required to register each license key. The entry of license key for the sub servers must be carried
out through the PJ Master on the top server otherwise the sub servers cannot join the top server group.