Chapter 3 Basic operation
Column Description (example)
ID code Sequence number (1,2,3,4.....)
Target name Server name or Target Name (Server_A, Server_B, Proj_01, Proj_02.
Target property 0: Server, 1: Projector, 2: PDP (0,1,2)
IP Address Assigned IP address (,)
Parent ID code
ID of the server to which the target links. The top server should be set “0”
Layer 0: top layer, 1: 2nd layer, 2: 3rd layer,...(0,1,2,3..)
Disconnect number Number of disconnected targets (1,2,3,4,5...)
Telnet password Password for telnet login to the target (blank: no password)
Licens key License key code for the PJ Master
Updated Date (2005-05-28 12:15:00)
Export the group information The PJ Master allows you to export the group information in the top server as the text file. Click
Group Export from System menu, and select a destination to save the file. This text file contains the
information as table below. It is recommended that after creating the group information with Group
Edit command, export the latest group information for the backup.
For further information of the column, see item “Create the group informatin with a text file”