ESC F P arameter Hexadecimal
code <1B>16 <46>16 a a a a b c c c c, d d, e e, f
Initial value Nil
When power switch is
The set parameter is not maintained.
Valid range within item The set parameter becomes invalid.
Valid range
and term of
command Valid range between
The set parameter becomes invalid.
This is a control function to s pecify data to be sequentially incremented or decremented.
In the data stream this command should be placed before EPC write command.
<F> a a a a b c c c c (, dd, e e, f)
aaaa Number of times to repeat the same data : 0001-99 99
b Plus or minus symbol (+ for increments; - for decrem ents)
cccc Value of step for sequence (0001-9999)
,dd Number of digits for seque ntial numbering (01-99), if these digits are lef t out, the default is 8.
,ee Num ber of digits free from sequential numbering (00 -99) starting with the rightmost position.
If these digits are left out, the default is 0.
f Decimal or Hexad ecimal : 0 = decimal
1= Hexadecimal
When this digit is left out, the default is 0.
[Coding Example 1] Write EPC and Lock Tag
Number of times to repeat the same data : 1, incrementing :+, step of sequence:1,Number of digits for
Sequential numbering: 5, Num ber of digits free from sequential num bering: 0
<V> 100<H>100<X21>, Sequentia l Test
<Q> 2
Sequential numbering