Recordings blocking, 35
copying to VCR tape, 42 displaying list of, 29 erasing, 41, 44, 49 finding current, 29
in progress, canceling, 30 pausing, 16
playing, 29
playing when blocked, 36 protecting, 31 recovering erased, 49 rewinding, 17
saving, 24 scheduled, 30 watching, 28, 29, 36
Record light, 26
Recovering erased recording, 49
Remote control device placing in Cable mode, 5
preparing to use with TV and Explorer DVR, 5
Remote control keys
#key, inside of foldout A, inside of foldout
All keys, inside of foldout arrows, inside of foldout AUX, inside of foldout B, inside of foldout
C, inside of foldout Cable (CBL), 5 Channel Down, 18 Channel Up, 18
Exit, inside of back cover
Favorites (FAV), inside of foldout
Info, 20
Instant Replay, 17
Last, 18
List, 28, 29, 30
Live, 19
Menu, inside of foldout Mute, inside of foldout
Record (REC), 25, 26, 27, 28 Rewind, 17
Select, inside of foldout Settings, 5, 8, 9, 11, 32, 34, 37 Stop, 30
TV, inside of foldout VCR, inside of foldout
Video Source, inside of foldout Volume Down, inside of foldout Volume Up, inside of foldout
from PIP screen, 23, 48 from Quarter screen, 23, 48 live programs, 17 recordings, 17
speeds, 18