Table 7: Supported commands (Continued)
Command name | Command code (in hex) |
Security Unlock | F2H |
Seek | 70H |
Set Drive Parameters | 91H |
Set Features | EFH |
Set Max Address | F9H |
Note: Individual Set Max com- | Address: | 00H |
mands are identified by the value | Password: | 01H |
placed in the Set Max Features | Lock: | 02H |
register as defined to the right. | Unlock: | 03H |
| Freeze Lock: | 04H |
Set Multiple Mode | C6H |
Sleep | 99H, E6H |
S.M.A.R.T. | B0H |
Standby | 96H, E2H |
Standby Immediate | 94H, E0H |
Vendor Unique | 9AH, FAH, FBH |
Write Buffer | E8H |
Write DMA | CAH, CBH |
Write DMA Extended | 35H |
Write Log Extended | 32H |
Write Multiple | C5H |
Write Multiple Extended | 39H |
Write Sectors | 30H, 31H |
Write Sectors Extended | 34H |
| |
Check Power Mode | 98H or E5H |
Idle | 97H or E3H |
Idle Immediate | 95H or E1H |
Sleep | 99H or E6H |
Standby | 96H or E2H |
Standby Immediate | 94H or E0H |
Security Set Password | F1H |
Security Unlock | F2H |
Security Erase Prepare | F3H |
Security Erase Unit | F4H |
Momentus 4200 | 19 |