Engine exhaust gases contain DEADLY carbon mon-
oxide gas. l_is dangerous gas, if breathed in suffi- cient concentrations, can cause unconsciousnessor
even death. Operate this equipment only in the open air where adequate ventilationis availabteo
=Gasoline is highly FIJ_M_L&.BLEand its vapors are EXPLOSIVE. Do not permit smoking, open flames, sparks or heat in the vicinity while handlinggasoline. Avoid spilling gasoline on a hot engine. Allow unit to cool for 2 minutes before refueling. Comply with all laws regulating storage and handhng of gasoline_
=Locate this pressure washer in areas away from com- bustible materials, combustiblefumes or dust=
=The high pressure equipment is designed to be used with Sears authorized parts only. If you use this
equipment with parts that do not complywith minimum specifications, the user assumes all nsks and liabili- ties.
•Some chemP-.atsor detergents may be harmful if inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea, fainting or poisoning. The harrr_,_!elements may cause prop. erty damage or severe injury.
•Do not allow CHILDREN to operate the Pressure
Washer at any time.
•Operate engine onlyat governedspeed. Runningthe engine at excessive speeds increases the hazard of personal injury. Do not tamper with parts which may increase or decrease the governed speed.
=Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that may be caught in the starter or other rotatingparts.
"Before starting the Pressure Washer in cold weather,
check al! parts of the equipment and be sure ice has not formed there.
•Units with broken or missing parts, or without protec- tive housing or covers should NEVER be operated°
"The muffler and air cleaner must be installed and in j_oodconditionbeforeoperatingthe PressureWasher. hese components act as spark arrestors ifthe engine
•Check the fuel system for leaks or signs of deteriora- tion such as chafed or spongy hose, loose or missing clamps or damaged tank or cap. Correct all defects before operating the Pressure Washer.
"Do not spray flammable liquids.
•Never aim the gun at people, animals or plants.
•Never allow any part of the body to come in contact with the fluid stream. DO NOT come in contact with a
fluid stream created by a leak in the high pressure hose_
oHigh pressure stream of fluidthat this equipment can produce can pieme skin and its undertyingtissues, leading to sedous injuryand possibleamputation.
°High pressure spray can cause paint chips or other particlesto become airborne and fly at high speeds.
_' Always wear'eye protectionwhen you use this equip-
ment or when you are in the vicinity where the equip- ment is in use.
•Operate the pressure at no more than the PSI fluid pressure rated for your pressure washer.
=Never move the machine by putling on the high pres-
sure hose. Use the handle provided on the top of the uniL
=Always be certain the spray gun, nozzles and acces- sories are correctly attached.
_' Never use a spray gun which does not have a trigger lock or triggerguard in place and in working order.
=' Use a respiratoror mask whenever there is a chance that vapors may be inhaled. Read all instructionswith the mask so you are certain the mask will provide the necessary protectionagainst inhaling harmful vapors_
=High pressurespray may damage fragile items includ- ingglass. Do not point spray gun at glass when in the jet spray mode.
"Keep the hose connected to machine or the spray gun while the system is pressurized. Disconnecting the hose while the unit is pressurized is dangerous,
q' Hold the spray gun firmlyin your hand before you start the uniL Failureto do so could result in an injuryfrom a whipping spray gun. Do not leave the spray gun unattendedwhile the machine is running.
"The cleaning area should have adequate slopes and drainage to reduce the possibility of a fall due to slipperysurfaces°
=Keep water spray away from electric wiring or fatal electricshock may resulL
_, DO not adjust unloader valve to a pressure in excess of machine rating°
_' Do not secure trigger gun in the pull-back (open) position.
=' Do not by@ass any safety device on this machine°
oDO not leave trigger closed for more than 5 minutes with engine running. This could damage the pump.
•The muffler and engine heat up during operation and remain hot immediately after shutting it down° Avoid contact with a hot muffler or engine or you could be severely bumed.
=' Operate and store this unit on a stable surface.
=' High pressure hose can develop leaks from wear,
kinking, abuse, etc. Water spraying!from a leak is capable of injecting material into skin. inspect hose
each time before using it. Check all hoses for cuts,
leaks, abrasions or bulging of cover, or dama_]e or movement of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replace hose immediately. Never repair high pressure hose. Replace it with another hose that
meets minimum pressure rating of your pressure washer.