Il-print servers huma interfaces ta' netwerk ghall-printers f'uffiććju u huma ddisinjati ghall- integrazzjoni diretta ta' printers ma' netwerks. Qabel ma tibda bil-proćedura inizjali ta' thaddim ta' l-apparat tieghek, jekk joghgbok hu nota tar-regolamenti ta' sigurtŕ li gejjin:

Aqra d-dokumentazzjoni u aghmel ćert li s-sistema tieghek tissodisfa l-htigijiet elenkati fiha.

Evita kuntatt ma' l-umditŕ jew ma' likwidi.

L-apparat ghandu jigi mqabbad u mhaddem biss jekk ikun f'kundizzjoni perfetta.

Aghmel ćert li hadd ma jirfes jew jaqa' fuq il-kejbils.

Qabel ma tnehhi t-tgeżwir ta’l-apparat, hu l-prekawzjonijiet kollha mehtiega sabiex tevita li taghmel hsara lill-bord ta’l-apparat eż. skariki elettrostatići ećć.

Tqabbadx kejbil tat-telefon mal-konnettur RJ-45. Il-konnettur RJ-45 ghandu jigi mqabbad biss mal-vultaggi SELV. Ghal konnessjoni ma' l-RJ-45, ghandhom jintużaw kejbils S/UTP (kategorija 5 jew ahjar) biss. Il-protezzjoni ghandha tidhol flaxx mal- konnettur.

L-apparat huwa mahsub biex jigi installat fil-printer u m'ghandux jigi użat fuq barra.

Български (bg)

Принтсървърите представляват интерфейс за принтери в офиси и служат за директна връзка на принтерите с мрежата. Преди пускане в експлоатация на уреда имайте предвид следните указания за безопасност:

Прочетете документацията и се уверете, че Вашата система отговаря на изискванията.

Уредът не бива да има съприкосновение с влага или с течности.

Уредът може да се свърже и експлоатира само в безупречно състояние.

Положете кабела така, че никой да не може да го настъпи или да се спъне в него.

Преди да разопаковате уреда, вземете подходящи мерки против повреди от електростатични разряди.

На RJ-45-щекера не включвайте телефонен кабел. Тук може да се включва само осигуряващо ниско напрежение. За свързване с RJ-45-щекера ползвайте само S/ UTP-кабел (категория 5 или по-висока). Ширмовките на кабела и на щекера трябва да се свържат с добро застъпване с голяма обща площ.

Уредът не бива да се ползва извън принтера.

Românã (ro)

Cu Printserver sunt denumite interfeţele de reţea pentru imprimante de birou; aceste servere au rolul de integrare directă a imprimantelor în reţele. Înainte de punerea în funcţiune a aparatului dumneavoastră, aveţi în vedere următoarele prescripţii de siguranţă:

Citiţi documentaţia şi asiguraţi-vă că sistemul dumneavoastră corespunde cerinţelor enumerate.

Aparatul nu are voie să vină în contract cu umiditate sau lichide.

Aparatul se va conecta şi pune în funcţiune numai dacă este în stare intactă.

Amplasaţi toate cablurile în poziţii în care pericolul de împiedicare este exclus.

Hardware Installation Guide

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SEH Computertechnik PS1109 manual Български bg, Românã ro

PS1109 specifications

SEH Computertechnik's PS1109 is a robust and versatile print server designed to enhance network printing capabilities in various settings, including small and medium-sized businesses. This device serves as a bridge between networked computers and printers, enabling seamless printing from multiple devices without the need for direct connections.

One of the key features of the PS1109 is its extensive compatibility with a wide range of printers. It supports both USB and parallel printers, making it an ideal solution for organizations with diverse printing hardware. Additionally, the PS1109 is designed to work with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring that all users within a network can access printing resources without compatibility issues.

The PS1109 utilizes advanced network technologies, including Ethernet and wireless connectivity, allowing for flexible installation and configuration options. This enables users to integrate the print server into existing network infrastructures easily. The device supports automatic IP address assignment through DHCP and can also be configured with static IP addresses for consistent network performance.

Security is another significant aspect of the PS1109. It comes equipped with various security features to safeguard data during transmission. This includes support for Secure HTTP (HTTPS) and secure socket layer (SSL) connections, which encrypt print jobs and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

In terms of performance, the PS1109 ensures fast data processing and reliable print job handling. With its efficient memory management and processing capabilities, users can expect quick response times and minimal wait for printing tasks to be completed.

Additionally, the user-friendly web interface of the PS1109 allows for straightforward management of the print server settings, making it easy for network administrators to monitor printer status, manage users, and configure settings remotely.

The compact design of the PS1109 means it can be deployed in space-constrained environments without causing any disruption. It is equipped with LED indicators that provide real-time feedback on the device's status, including power, network connectivity, and print job processing.

In summary, SEH Computertechnik's PS1109 print server merges advanced technology, robust performance, and user-friendly features, making it an essential resource for modern workplaces seeking to enhance their printing capabilities and streamline their operations. Whether it’s for increasing efficiency in document handling or managing multiple printers, the PS1109 stands as a reliable solution tailored to meet diverse printing needs.