Synchronizing a transmitter with the diversity receiver

￿Start the Easy Setup Sync function by placing the infra-red interface of this diversity receiver in front of the infra-red interfaces of all transmit- ters, one after the other.

The diversity receiver transfers an unused channel from the selected frequency bank to the first transmitter and the next unused channel to the second transmitter and so on. As soon as a transfer is completed, the display panel of the transmitter displays the numbers of the trans- ferred frequency bank and channel.

Synchronizing transmitters with diversity receivers (Sync)

In a second step, you transfer the frequency bank and channel settings from the transmitters to other diversity receivers (synchronization) and thus establish the transmission links.

If you want to carry out synchronization at a later time:

￿Press the jog dial on the transmitter.

The frequency bank and the channel are stored. The transmitter’s RF signal is activated again. You can synchronize this transmitter with a diversity receiver at any time (see the instruction manual of the transmitter).

To carry out synchronization immediately:

￿Start the Sync function by placing the infra-red interface of the first diversity receiver in front of the infra-red interface of the first trans- mitter while simultaneously pressing the SYNC button on the trans- mitter.

The diversity receiver is set to the same frequency bank and channel as the transmitter. The transmitter’s RF signal is activated again. A trans- mission link is established between the first transmitter and the first diversity receiver.

￿Synchronize each of the remaining transmitters with one of the remaining diversity receivers.

Your multi-channel monitoring system is now ready for operation.

Instead of synchronizing, you can manually set the transmitters to the same frequency bank and channel that you set on the corresponding diversity receivers.