Adding outlet access to a user
The Add OutletToUser command grants a user access to one or all outlets. To grant access for more
than one outlet, but not all outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToUser commands.
To grant outlet access to a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettouser, optionally followed by an outlet name and a username.
Press Enter, or
Type add outlettouser all, followed by a username and press Enter.
The following commands grant the user JaneDoe access to outlets A1 and Webserver_1:
Sentry:add outlettouser .a1 janedoe<Enter>
Sentry:add outlettouser WebServer_1 janedoe<Enter>
Deleting outlet access for a user
The Delete OutletFromUser command removes a user’s access to one or all outlets. You cannot remove
access to any outlet for an administrative level user.
To delete outlet access for a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromuser, optionally followed by an outlet name and a
username. Press Enter, or
Type delete outletfromuser all, followed by a username and press Enter.
Adding group access to a user
The Add GroupToUser command grants a user access to a group. To grant access for more than one
group, you must use multiple Add GroupToUser commands.
To grant group access to a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type add grouptouser, optionally followed by a group name and a username.
Press Enter.
The following commands grants to user JaneDoe access to the groups ServerGroup_1 and ServerGroup_2:
Sentry:add GroupToUser ServerGroup_1 janedoe<Enter>
Sentry:add GroupToUser ServerGroup_2 janedoe<Enter>
Deleting group access for a user
The Delete GroupFromUser command removes a user’s access to a group. You cannot remove access
to any group for an administrative level user.
To delete group access for a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete GroupFromUser, optionally followed by a group name and a
username. Press Enter.
Adding serial/Pass-Thru port access to a user
The Add PortToUser command grants a user access to a serial/Pass-Thru port. To grant access for
more than one port, you must use multiple Add PortToUser commands.
To grant serial/Pass-Thru port access to a user:
At the Sentry: prompt, type add porttouser, optionally followed by a Port name and a username. Press Enter.
The following commands grants to user JaneDoe access to the Pass-Thru port Router1:
Sentry:add PortToUser Router1 janedoe<Enter>
28 • Operations Sentry Commander - PT40 Installation and Operations Manual