Pass-Thru Port
The Sentry is equipped with four RJ12 DTE Pass-Thru ports for connection to serial devices. RJ12
crossover cables are provided for connection along with adapters for connection to standard RS-232C 9
and 25 pin, DTE and DCE serial ports.
For information on additional available adapters for non-standard applications, please review Data &
ShutDown Adapters, Cables & Kits on the Server Technology website - Tech Library, Technical Notes.
Pin DTE Signal Name Input/Output
1 Signal Ground
2 Data Set Ready DSR Input
3 Data Receive Input
4 Data Transmit Output
5 Data Terminal Ready DTR Output
6 Signal Ground
LED Indicators
Sentry is equipped with a status LED for each power receptacle. A lit/on LED indicates that power is
being supplied at the port and a darkened/off LED indicates that there is no power at the port.
Sentry Commander - PT40 Appendices • 55 Installation and Operations Manual Technical Specifications