Calculator Activity


OBJECTIVE: To perform calculations and to determine statistical information with lists.

To set your calculator to Matrix mode press .

For the following examples L1={1,2,3} and L2={5,10,15}.

To enter the data into L1 press . Then press . After this press .

To enter the data into L2 press . Then press

. After this press


Now L1 and L2 are stored.

1. Evaluate L1+L2

STEP 1: Press to enter L1.

STEP 2: To add L2 press .

STEP 3: To calculate the sum of the lists press .

2. Sort L2 descending

STEP 1: To bring up sort press .

STEP 2: To enter L2 press .

STEP 3: To sort press .

NOTE: To sort ascending can be done in a similar manner.

3. Calculate the min L1

STEP 1: For min press .

STEP 2: To enter L1 press .

STEP 3: To calculate the min press .

NOTE: max, mean, median, sum, product, standard deviation, and variance can be calculated in a similar way to min.