Calculator Activity


OBJECTIVE: To use constants to aid in solving E mc 2 and to perform conversions.

Use Einstein’s equation to solve for energy: E mc 2 .

1.What is the energy of an object given the mass of that object is 100 kilograms?

STEP 1: Enter 100 by pressing .

STEP 2: To multiply by the constant c press .

STEP 3: Square c by pressing .

STEP 4: Solve for E by pressing .

2.What is the energy of an object given the mass of that object is 123 kilograms?

STEP 1: Enter 123 by pressing .

STEP 2: To multiply by the constant c press .

STEP 3: Square c by pressing .

STEP 4: Solve for E by pressing .

3. What is 95F equal to in Celsius?

STEP 1: Enter 95 by pressing .

STEP 2: To select to convert to Celsius press .

STEP 3: To convert press .

4. How many inches are in 1 centimeter?

STEP 1: Enter 1 by pressing .

STEP 2: Choose convert to inches by pressing .

STEP 3: To convert press .