Calculator Activity


OBEJCTIVE: To generate random numbers, dice throws, coin tosses, and integers.

1. Generate 4 random numbers.

STEP 1: Press




STEP 2: To generate random numbers press



STEP 3: Generate the first random number by pressing


STEP 4: Generate the second random number by pressing


STEP 5: Generate the third random number by pressing


STEP 6: Generate the fourth random number by pressing


2. Generate 3 random dice throws.



STEP 1: Press .

STEP 2: To generate random dice throws press .

STEP 3: Generate the first random dice throw by pressing .

STEP 4: Generate the second random dice throw by pressing .

STEP 5: Generate the third random dice throw by pressing .

3. Generate 3 random coin tosses.

STEP 1: Press .

STEP 2: To generate random coin flips press .

STEP 3: Generate the first random coin flip by pressing .

STEP 4: Generate the second random coin flip by pressing .

STEP 5: Generate the third random coin flip by pressing .

4. Generate 2 random integers.

STEP 1: Press .

STEP 2: To generate random integers press .

STEP 3: Generate the first random integer by pressing .

STEP 4: Generate the second random integer by pressing .