Calculator Activity


OBJECTIVE: To perform basic operations by developing a sequence of numbers.

Performing a specified operation repeatedly can generate a sequence of numbers. For example, if you start with the number 4 and add 2 repeatedly you will generate the sequence 4,6,8,10

1. Add 13 to 54 twice:

STEP 1: Enter 13 by pressing .

STEP 2: Add by pressing .

STEP 3: Enter 54 by pressing .

STEP 4: Find the first sum by pressing .

STEP 5: Add 13 again by pressing .

2. Subtract 9 from 32 once.

STEP 1: Enter 32 by pressing .

STEP 2: Subtract by pressing .

STEP 3: Enter 9 by pressing .

STEP 4: Find the difference by pressing .

3. Multiply -2 by 5 three times.



STEP 1: Enter –2 by pressing

followed by


STEP 2: Multiply by pressing



STEP 3: Enter 5 by pressing



STEP 4: Find the first product by pressing


STEP 5: Multiply by 5 again by pressing


STEP 6: Multiply by 5 a third time by pressing
