trans matrix name | Returns the matrix with the columns |
| transposed to rows and the rows |
| transposed to columns. |
mat→list | Creates lists with elements from the |
(N7) | left column of each matrix. (matA→L1, |
| matB→L2, matC→L3, matD→L4) |
| Mode changes from MATRIX mode to |
| LIST mode. |
matA→list | Creates lists with elements from each |
(N8) | column of the matrix. (matA→L1, L2, |
| L3, L4) |
| Mode changes from MATRIX mode to |
| LIST mode. |
•When the matrix entry screen is displayed, you cannot perform matrix calculations because the MATH menu is not available.
•If the calculation result is a matrix, it will be displayed in the matrix entry screen (note that this replaces any existing data in the buffer). To store the calculation result, fi rst press jto exit the matrix entry screen. Press N4and select a memory
•When the calculation results are in matrix form, pressing neither lnor rwill bring you back to the original expression.
You can store and calculate up to four lists of up to sixteen elements each in LIST mode.
Press b5to enter LIST mode.
Note: You can use the MATH menu in LIST mode to edit, recall, and store lists, as well as to call
Entering and Storing Lists
Before performing list calculations, a list must be created. Follow the steps below to enter and store lists.
1.Press b5to enter LIST mode.
2.Press N2to bring up the list entry screen.
•Any list data remaining in the buffer, along with any previously entered, loaded, or calculated list data, will be displayed.
3.Defi ne the list size (up to sixteen elements) by entering a value using the number keys and pressing e.
List size
Element fi elds
Entry fi eld
List entry screen (example)
4.Enter each element in the list by entering a value in the entry fi eld and pressing e.
•Each list element can display up to eight digits (the decimal point counts as one digit). If an element exceeds eight digits in length, it will be displayed in exponent notation within the list.
•A maximum of six elements can be displayed at one time. Use u, d, l, and rto move the cursor through the list.
5.When you have entered a value for each element, press jto exit the list entry screen.
6.Press N4and select a memory
Modifying a stored list
1.To load a stored list into the list entry screen, press N 3, then select the memory
•Loading new data into the screen will automatically replace any data that may already exist there.
2.Using the list entry screen, you can modify the values of elements in the list. Assign new values wherever necessary and press eafter each one.
•If you wish to modify the size of a list, first press j N2. You can then enter new values for the list size.
3.When you have fi nished making changes, press jto exit the list entry screen.
4.Press N4and select a memory
Using Lists in Calculations
Lists stored in memories
sortA list name | Sorts list in ascending order. |
sortD list name | Sorts list in descending order. |
dim (list name, size) | Returns a list with size changed as specified. |
fi ll (value, size) | Enters the specifi ed value for all items. |
cumul list name | Sequentially cumulates each item in the list. |
df_list list name | Returns a new list using the difference |
| between adjacent items in the list. |
aug (list name, list name) | Returns a list appending the specifi ed lists. |
min list name | Returns the minimum value in the list. |
max list name | Returns the maximum value in the list. |
mean list name | Returns the mean value of items in the list. |
med list name | Returns the median value of items in the list. |
sum list name | Returns the sum of items in the list. |
prod list name | Returns the multiplication of items in the list. |
stdDv list name | Returns the standard deviation of the list. |
vari list name | Returns the variance of the list. |
o_prod (list name, list name) | Returns the outer product of 2 lists (vectors). |
i_prod (list name, list name) | Returns the inner product of 2 lists (vectors). |
abs_list list name | Returns the absolute value of the list (vector). |
list→mat | Creates matrices with left column data from |
(N7) | each list. (L1→matA, L2→matB, L3→matC, |
| L4→matD) |
| Mode changes from LIST mode to MATRIX |
| mode. |
list→matA | Creates a matrix with column data from |
(N8) | each list. (L1, L2, L3, L4→matA) |
| Mode changes from LIST mode to MATRIX |
| mode. |
•When the list entry screen is displayed, you cannot perform list calculations because the MATH menu is not available.
•If the calculation result is a list, it will be displayed in the list entry screen (note that this replaces any existing data in the buffer). To store the calculation result, fi rst press jto exit the list entry screen. Press N4and select a memory
•When the calculation results are in list form, pressing neither lnor rwill bring you back to the original expression.
The results obtained by these functions may include a margin of error.
Simultaneous Linear Equations
Simultaneous linear equations with two unknowns
a1x + b1y = c1 |
| D |
| = | a1 b1 | |
| |||||
a2x + b2y = c2 |
| a2 | b2 | ||
| |||
a1x + b1y + c1z = d1 |
| a1 b1 c1 |
| ||
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2 |
| D | = | a2 b2 c2 |
a3x + b3y + c3z = d3 |
| a3 b3 c3 |
•If the determinant D = 0, an error occurs.
•If the absolute value of an intermediate result or calculation result is 1 ⋅ 10100 or more, an error occurs.
Solving simultaneous linear equations
1.Press b60or b61.
2.Enter the value for each coeffi cient (a1, etc.).
•Coeffi cients can be entered using ordinary arithmetic operations.
•To clear the entered coeffi cient, press j.
•Press uor dto move the cursor up or down through the coeffi cients. Press @uor @dto jump to the fi rst or last coeffi cient.
3.When all coeffi cients have been entered, press eto solve the equation.
•While the solution is displayed, press eor jto return to the coeffi cient entry display. To clear all the coeffi cients, press @Z.
Quadratic and Cubic Equations
Quadratic (ax2 + bx + c = 0) or cubic (ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0) equations may be solved using the following functions.
①Quadratic equation solver: b62
②Cubic equation solver: b63
Solving quadratic and cubic equations
•Press b62or b63.
•Coeffi cients for these equations can be entered in the same manner as those for simultaneous linear equations.
An error will occur if an operation exceeds the calculation ranges, or if a mathematically illegal operation is attempted. When an error occurs, pressing lor rautomatically moves the cursor back to the place in the equation where the error occurred. Edit the equation or press jor @Z to clear the equation.
Error codes and error types
ERROR 01: Syntax error
•An attempt was made to perform an invalid operation. Ex. 2 +&5 =
ERROR 02: Calculation error
•The absolute value of an intermediate or fi nal calculation result equals or exceeds 10100.
•An attempt was made to divide by zero (or an intermediate calculation resulted in zero).
•The calculation ranges were exceeded while performing calculations.
ERROR 03: Nesting error
•The available number of buffers was exceeded. (There are 10 buffers* for numeric values and 64 buffers for calculation instructions).
* 5 buffers in CPLX mode, and 1 buffer for matrix/list data.
ERROR 04: Data over error
• Data items exceeded 100 in STAT mode.
ERROR 07: Defi nition error
•Matrix/List defi nition error or the attempted entering of an invalid value.
ERROR 08: DIM unmatched error
• Matrix/List dimensions inconsistent while calculating.
ERROR 09: Invalid DIM error
• Size of matrix/list exceeds calculation range.
ERROR 10: Undefi ned error
• Undefi ned matrix/list used in calculation.
Alert Messages | 29 |
Cannot delete!
•The selected item cannot be deleted by pressing Nor @yin the WriteView editor.
Ex. @*5 rAlN
In this example, delete the exponent before attempting to delete the parentheses.
Cannot call!
•The function or operation stored in defi nable memory (D1 to D4) cannot be called.
Ex. An attempt was made to recall a statistical variable from within NORMAL mode.
•Expressions stored in formula memories (F1 to F4) cannot be called.
Buffer full!
•The equation (including any calculation ending instructions) exceeded its maximum input buffer (159 characters in the WriteView editor or 161 characters in the Line editor). An equation may not exceed its maximum input buffer.