cleaner, isolate the orifice from the side walls and all other parts. Do this by placing the orifice
individually in a plastic cup in the cleaning hopper. This will help prevent mechanical damage
to the sealing surfaces of the orifice. Polish the orifice with a clean pencil eraser. Blow off dust
and debris after polishing.
5. Due to its unique stainless mesh design, the inlet filter of the Sherwood SR3601 first stage can
be cleaned in the ultrasonic cleaner. Visually inspect the filter before and after cleaning. Blow
the filter dry with clean compressed air.
6. Check the strength of any cleaning solution by placing a spare chrome-plated part in the bath
for a few minutes longer than the time you expect to leave the parts in. If visible damage to the
chrome finish results, then the solution is too strong.
Soapy Water Good for plastic and silicone parts.
Vinegar and Water Ingredients easily available, 15
Equal part solution minutes approx. cleaning time.
1000 cc Water Fast acting solution that should be
60 gr. Sulfuric Acid made and used with care. Use
60 gr. Potassium Dichromate. gloves and safety glasses.
Cleaning solutions Usually the best route to go. Check
recommended by Ultrasonic with the manufacturer for strengths
Cleaner Manufacturers. and uses for their cleaners. Some
brand names of cleaning solutions
are "Branasonic®", "Micro®", "Oakite
31®", and "Brex®".
How your customers treat their regulators will directly influence the unit's function and
durability. Following are a few tips that you can pass on to your customers to help assure the
durability of their Maximus SRB3600 regulator.
7.4.1 Pre-Dive Checks
1 Check the hoses and hose connections for cuts, abrasions or other signs of damage before
mounting the regulator on the tank valve. Slide the hose protectors back to inspect the areas of
the hose normally covered. Be sure all hose connections are tight.
2. Before turning on the tank air valve, check to make sure that the yoke nut or DIN connection is
tight and the regulator body is aligned properly, with no kinks in the hoses.
3. Turn the tank valve on slowly and listen for leaks.