If you only want to change value of output regardless of previous state send command without parameter “y” – e.g. XXppppOUT5 changes value of output No. 5 to reverse.
Newly set actual values of all 8 inputs/outputs are sent back to sender and to INFOSMS number.
4.11. LIST – Detection of Set-up
If you want to find out which values of parameters are set in GB 051 it is possible to send control SMS message, which initiates sending messages with detailed description of
| XXppppLISTVi *1) |
Command |
ppppFour digits of current PIN
i | IO number: 1 to 8, with no parameter will return the |
| shared configuration |
*1) The space is between | key word of command “LIST” and “i” |
SMS command messages intended for getting parameter configuration of each input/output
The GB 051 unit will return sender a message with the required configuration information related to the particular IO:
∙Actual value of logical level of the particular input.
IO value, acall, aSMSnoA, aSMSnoB, SMStxt
In case the command SMS message is sent with no parameter, the GB 051 unit will respond to the sender with message containing five basic configuration data:
infoSMS number, infoSMS interval, icall number, icall interval, mcall number
4.12. CALLBACK – Monitoring of Protected Area
If you want to find out by listening – e.g. during alarm – what is happening in place of installation it is possible to require, by SMS message, to get further call from GB 051 with
Command *1) XXppppCALLBACKVnumber
ppppFour digits of current PIN
| Maximum 14 digits of any phone number *2) |
Number |
*1) The space is between key word of command „CALLBACK“ and number.
*2) If no number is specified GB 051 calls back the number of sender of SMS command. Number can be entered in national format – e.g. 606445566 but also in international format – e.g. +420606445566.