SMS 59

More information on SMS

SMS status report

If the message cannot be transmitted to the service center you are offered the chance to repeat the trans- mission. If this also fails, contact your service provider. The Message sent. message only indicates transmission to the service center. This will then attempt to relay the message within a certain period.

See also Validity period (p. 58).

Phone number in SMS

Phone numbers displayed §highlighted§ in the text can be dialed

(A) or saved in the Phonebook/ Addressbook.

Downloading ringtones and logos

You can receive links for downloading ringtones, logos, screensavers, animations and information about applications with an SMS. Please highlight this link and start the download by pressing the Call key A. Please check that the dial-in access is configured (p. 101).

Remember that these may be protected (DRM, p. 23).

ãSIM memory full

If the message symbol flashes, the SIM memory is full. No more SMS messages can be received. You need to delete messages or move them to the RS MultiMediaCard.