Care and maintenance

Care and maintenance

Your phone has been designed and manufactured to the highest of standards and should be treated with great care. The suggestions below will help you enjoy your phone for many years.

Protect your phone from moisture and hu- midity! Precipitation, humidity and liquids contain minerals that will corrode electron- ic circuits. Should your phone nonetheless become wet, disconnect it immediately from any power supply, remove the battery and leave the open phone to dry at room temperature!

Do not use or store the phone in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts may become damaged.

Do not store your phone in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of elec- tronic devices, damage batteries and warp or melt certain plastics.

Do not store your phone in cold areas. When the phone warms up again (to its normal ambient temperature), moisture can form inside the phone, which may damage electronic circuit boards.

Do not drop, knock or shake your phone. Rough handling can damage internal cir- cuit boards!

Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning sol- vents, or strong detergents to clean the phone!

The suggestions given above apply equally to your phone, battery, charger and all ac- cessories. If any of these parts are not working properly, take them to your nearest qualified service outlet. The personnel there will assist you and, if necessary, repair the device.

Battery quality declaration

The capacity of your mobile phone battery will reduce each time it is charged/dis- charged. Storing the battery at temperatures that are too high or too low also causes a gradual loss of capacity. As a result the operating time of your mobile phone may be considerably reduced, even after the battery has been fully charged.

The battery is, however, designed to be capable of being charged and discharged for a period of six months from the date when the phone was purchased. Following this six- month period, we recommend replacing your battery if you experience a significant drop in performance. Please buy only Siemens original batteries.

Display quality declaration

For technological reasons, a few small dots with different colours may appear in the display in exceptional cases.

Please note that the appearance of brighter or darker dots generally does not mean that a fault has occurred.