
6HWXSYou can create different

“transmission profiles” for different uses. A profile is selected before text entry for the SMS.

￿0HQX￿ Î 0HVVDJHV Î 606 Î 6HWXSThe list of available profiles is displayed.#Select profile.


Depending on the situation different functions are available:


Create a new profile.


Delete the profile (only


if not 6HW￿DV￿GHIDXOW).

6HW￿DV￿GHIDXOW Set the profile as the default profile.

5HQDPH Rename the profile.


The list of available settings ap- pears.6HUYLFH￿&HQWUH

Enter or change the phone numbers of Service Centres as supplied by the Service Provider.


Enter the standard recipient for this transmission profile or select from the Addressbook.

0HVVDJH￿W\SH9DULDEOH The message type is requested for each mes- sage.6WDQGDUG￿ Normal SMS message. WH[W7HOH[ Transmission via SMS.)D[ Transmission via SMS.(PDLO Transmission via SMS.;￿￿￿ Transmission via SMS.2ZQ￿YD￿ Define a new messageOXH￿ type.9DOLGLW\￿SHULRGSelect the period in which the Service Centre tries to deliver the message:


*Maximum period that the Service Provider permits.6WDWXV￿UHSRUW

You are given confirmation of the successful or unsuccessful delivery of a sent message. This service may be subject to a charge.


The reply to your message is handled via your Service Centre (info from your Service Provider).