

“T9” deduces the correct word from the individual key strokes by making comparisons with an extensive dictionary.


Before you can use T9 to help you enter text you must be in the text editor (see also p. 40):

￿2SWLRQV￿ Open text menu then select 7￿￿,QSXW.

@ Activate or deactivate 7￿￿ 3UHIHUUHG with ￿&KDQJH￿.

(When T9 is active you will

see the icon in the top line. DEF lowercase, $EF UPPERCASE, ￿￿￿ digits.


Select the language in which you want to compose your message.

￿2SWLRQV￿ Open the text menu, then select 7￿￿,QSXW￿and then 7￿￿/DQJXDJH.


Since the display changes as you type LW￿LV￿EHVW￿LI￿\RX￿ILQLVK￿D￿ZRUG￿ZLWKRXW￿ ORRNLQJ￿DW￿WKH￿GLVSOD\.

You simply press the keys where

the relevant letters are located RQFH￿ RQO\. For “hotel” for example type:


T9 converts accented characters (such as ä and à) for you. Simply compose the message using the standard character (e.g. $￿instead of b) and T9 will do the rest.

,I￿the word that T9 has chosen is not the one yo want see “T9 word suggestions” on page 42.


Press before the word for ￿




or GLJLWV. The current mode is


shown at the top left on the



￿ %ODQN. Ends a word.

￿ )XOO￿VWRS. Ends word when a


blank follows. IActs as a wild-


card character for an apostro-


phe/hyphen in the word: e.g.


3URYLGHU￿V = Provider’s.

Go WR￿WKH￿ULJKW. Ends a word.


Deactivate T9 WHPSRUDULO\ and


activate it again.


Press the key repeatedly until the character is displayed. They are shown on the display.

To write special characters after numbers (e.g. 5 £), switch to letter mode first:


￿(PSW\ ￿ 0 … ￿ –

￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ " ¢ ￿

£´ · ￿ B

￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ! ￿ ½


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