MP 875 Modem User Guide
Step 6—Configure your account The MP 875 modem uses a SIM card that stores your account
information. You need an account with a service provider for
each MP 875 modem you deploy. You should also obtain a
SIM card for each account. The SIM contains account infor-
mation used by the network to identify subscribers and
provide access to the appropriate messages and services. The
SIM must be inserted in the MP modem’s SIM slot (as
described in the next section.)
As well as providing the SIM, your service provider should
give you the account information needed to configure the MP
modem to use the account: a user name, password, and APN
(Access Point Name).
Inserting the SIM Card
The MP 875 modem has a SIM card slot next to the lights on
the indicator panel. The slot is protected by a removable
rubber cover, and houses a SIM card sled. To insert a SIM card
into the MP modem:
1. Open the rubber cover.
2. Use a pen or stylus to press the yellow eject button inside
the slot.
3. Pull the sled out of the slot.
4. Place the SIM card into the sled until it clicks into place.
The SIM card should fit in only one way, with the contact
surfaces facing up as shown.
Figure 2-10: Placing a SIM card into the sled.
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