MP 875 Modem User Guide
A digital output can be connected to two of the pins on the
DB15HD connector: Pins 3 and 11. (These can be used for
either input or output.)
Note: Before using the input/output lines, you must configure them as
inputs or outputs.
Typically a digital output device should be connected between
Ground (pin 10) and the output port (Pin 3 or 11).
Figure 4-3: Wiring for using Pin 3 (digital output) as an electronic switch. Pin
10 is Ground.
The digital I/O ports provide open-collector output to a
maximum of 500 mA.
Analog input devices Analog input devices are those that generate a signal of
varying voltage, based on the state of an instrument or gauge.
An example of an analog input device might be a sensor that
detects the vehicle’s speed.
An analog input can be connected to four of the pins on the
DB15HD connector: Pins 7, 8, 14, and 15.
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