MP 875 Modem User Guide
Note: More information on
NMEA message standards is
available at www.nmea.org.
If the module is configured for NMEA, data is sent at five-
second intervals. (The interval cannot be changed when the
module is configured for NMEA because NMEA is strictly a
reporting protocol.)
Monitoring and Tracking configuration You can use 3G Watcher to configure the MP modem to send
MTP data to a network server:
1. Select Tools > Options > MP > Monitor and Tracking and
complete the appropriate fields.
1. Issue the AT command AT!MPMTCONF along with the
required parameters.
IP Addressing To send data to the MP modem, a host application on a
network server requires the IP address of the MP modem.
Service providers usually do not provide a static IP address to
each device on the network. The IP address is dynamically
assigned each time the MP modem registers on the network.
This means that the host application must identify each MP
modem by its Unique Mobile Device ID (discussed on page 56)
and capture its IP address as it registers.
If the MP modem has a public IP address, the host application
can simply check the IP address on the incoming data packets
to determine the IP address of the MP modem. However, if
NAT (Network Address Translation) is in use, the IP address
assigned to the MP modem is likely to be a private IP address.
This may present problems, as discussed in the next section.
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