MP 875 Modem User Guide
5. Complete the following fields:
· Profile Name (any meaningful description of the profile,
such as the name of your service provider)
· User Name
· Password, and/or APN, if applicable. (Check with your
service provider for specific requirements for the user
name and password.)
6. If you want to set 3G Watcher to automatically launch your
Internet browser, VPN, or any other program, or if your
service provider specified an IP address or DNS
address(es), select the Advanced folder. Otherwise, skip to
step 8.
7. Select the Launch after connecting field, and from the drop-
down list, select which application, if any, you want 3G
Watcher to automatically launch when a connection is
established with this profile:
· None—No application is autolaunched.
· Browser—3G Watcher autolaunches your default Internet
If you selected Browser, in the URL field, type the URL
for the web site you want to view on connection (such as
· MS VPN—3G Watcher autolaunches a Virtual Private
Network (VPN) connection.
If you selected Microsoft VPN, in the Microsoft VPN
(PPTP) connection field, select the VPN connection from
the drop-down list.
· Application—3G Watcher autolaunches an installed VPN
program, or any other program you specify.
If you selected Application, in the Application field, enter
the path to the program or use the browse button to
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