Before mowing, set the cutting height as described in the Troubleshooting, Adjustments & Service section.

1.Engage the parking brake. Make sure the PTO switch is disengaged and the motion control lever is in the NEUTRAL position.

2.Start the engine (see STARTING THE ENGINE).

3.Set the throttle to FULL.

4.Engage the PTO by pulling up on the PTO switch.

5.Begin mowing. See Mowing Recommendations section for tips on mowing patterns and lawn care. See Troubleshooting section for information on trouble shooting common cutting problems.

6.When finished, shut off the PTO.

7.Stop the engine (see STOPPING THE TRACTOR AND ENGINE).


Several factors can affect how well your machine cuts grass, Following proper mowing recommendations can improve the performance and life of your machine.

Height of Grass

Often cutting height is a matter of personal


preference. Typically, you should mow the grass when



it is is between three and five inches high. The proper


cutting height range for a specific lawn will depend

upon several factors, including the type of grass, the

amount of rainfall, the prevailing temperature, and the

lawn’s overall condition.


Cutting the grass too short causes weak, thin grass

plants, which are easily damaged by dry peri ds and

pests. Cutting too short is often more damaging than


allowing the grass to be slightly higher.


Letting grass grow a bit longer—especially when it


is hot and dry—reduces heat build-up, preserves


needed moisture and protects the grass from heat

Proper Cutting Height

damage and other problems. However, allowing g ass to grow too high can cause thin turf and additional problems.

Cutting off too much at one time shocks the plant’s growth system and weakens the grass plants. A good rule of thumb is the 1/3 rule: to cut no more than one third of the grass height, and never more than 1 inch at a time.

The amount of grass you are able to cut in one pass is also effected by the type of mowing system you are using (for example, broadcasting with side discharge decks can process a much larger volume of grass than mulching does).

Tall Grass Requires Incremental Cutting

For extremely tall grass, set the cutting height at maximum for the first pass, and then reset it to the desired height and mow a second or third time.

Don’t cover the grass surface with a heavy layer of clippings. Consider using a grass collection system and starting a compost pile.

Cut Here OnFirst PassIncremental Cutting
CutHere OnSecondPass