Membership is not required to obtain GPS signals or to record or play personal courses on your SkyCaddie. See Appendix B for a comparison of features on the
SkyCaddie with those additionally available with an annual Membership Plan.
You can browse the SkyCourse library anytime through the public area of www.skygolf.com. However, in order to obtain the courses for use with your SkyCaddie, you MUST have a Membership Plan and use CaddieSync.
SkyCaddie®: #1 Rangefinder in Golf
1.6 Benefits of SkyPlayer Club Membership
During registration of your SkyCaddie, you’ll be given the option to select an annual membership plan designed to fit how many courses you play. You can significantly increase the value of your SkyCaddie with these member benefits for a small yearly fee:
•Online Course Storage. CaddieSync™ provides safe storage and easy access to courses obtained through our website. Your courses are managed and stored on our servers as Favorites, so you do not have to maintain files on your computer. Additionally, you can use any compatible computer in the world to access your Favorites.
•Easy Website Access. The Sync process within CaddieSync links your SkyCaddie to our website so that you can easily add courses to your SkyCaddie or update your software as new updates are available. This was formerly called “DirectConnect”
•SkyCourses®. SkyCourses are golf courses that have been mapped for use with the SkyCaddie and contain unique information on each course layout. Each membership plan provides different levels of SkyCourse access and storage in CaddieSync. Thousands of published SkyCourses are available online, and we keep the SkyCourses
•Published SkyCourses are golf courses that can be accessed with purchase of a Membership Plan. The quality of each published SkyCourse is rated on our website as follows:
–Four Star: recorded by one of our SkyGolf GPS professionals; contains information on up to 40 targets per hole plus an IntelliGreen.
–Three Star: professionally recorded prior to implementation of the IntelliGreen feature; does not include IntelliGreen graphics.
–Two Star/One Star: recorded by other members of the SkyCaddie community that have chosen to share their personal courses.
•Unpublished SkyCourses are golf courses created by you using your SkyCaddie. These are courses that only you can access and play with; they are not viewable by any other SkyCaddie users unless you choose to submit your Unpublished SkyCourses to SkyGolf. Our database is growing daily through the efforts of SkyGolf professionals and SkyCaddie members.
•Share Courses with Other Users. Members can submit courses they have created with the SkyCaddie to us to share with other members. The more members share, the more courses everyone will have access to.
•IntelliGreen®. IntelliGreen graphics are part of our exclusive, professional
•Theft Deterrent. Registering the SkyCaddie’s Electronic Serial Number (ESN) deters theft by protecting your investment from unauthorized use. If your SkyCaddie is lost or stolen, contact SkyGolf so that we can flag your ESN as “lost” or “stolen” to prevent unauthorized use.
•“Owned By” Screen. This screen allows SkyCaddie personalization.
•Online Support, Software Updates, and Upgrades. SkyCaddie software is automatically checked for upgrades and updated when you do a Sync (formerly “DirectConnect”).
1.7Downloading Courses to Your SkyCaddie
As defined above, SkyCourses are golf courses that have been recorded for use with the SkyCaddie and contain unique information on each course layout. Thousands of published SkyCourses are available online at the SkyGolf website for you to download to your SkyCaddie. Once you have installed CaddieSync and selected a Membership Plan, you will have access to our rapidly growing database of professionally mapped courses.
To search and download courses to your SkyCaddie, connect your SkyCaddie to your computer using the supplied cable, then launch CaddieSync. When the welcome page comes up, turn on your SkyCaddie and click on the “Sync” button on CaddieSync to log in. Click on “Courses” in CaddieSync to search for SkyCourses.