Unaligned projected image

The SMART V25 projector image can slip if the projector is moved often or installed in a location
prone to vibration, such as next to a heavy door. Follow these precautions to help prevent the image
from becoming misaligned:
lMake sure that the installation wall is plumb and square and doesn’t move or vibrate
lMake sure that there are no obstructions behind the projector’s wall-mounting bracket, and that
the bracket is firmly secured to the wall according to the installation instructions.
lMake sure that the knob and locking screw are tight.
lConfirm that all cables are held in place with the appropriate cable clip.
lAdjust the projected image. See the included installation instructions for the SMARTBoard
480iv and 680iv interactive whiteboard system (smarttech.com/kb/153153) and Adjusting the
image on page 19.
C H A P T E R 6
Troubleshooting your interactive whiteboard system