99-00964-20 A0 Troubleshooting Your Interactive Whiteboard System 31
Troubleshooting Your Interactive Whiteboard SystemThis chapter provides basic troubleshooting information for your SMART Board interactive whiteboard system.
For issues not mentioned in this section, please contact your authorized SMART reseller or consult the SMART
Support website. Topics include the following:
• System Warning Lights (this page)
– ECP Ready Light and System Status (this page)
– Projector Ready Lights and Projector Status (page 31)
• Errors (page 32)
– Temperature Exceeded (page 32)
– Fan Failure (page 33)
– Color Wheel Failure (page 33)
– Lamp Failure (page 33)
– Ready Light Isn’t Lit (page 34)
System Warning Lights
ECP Ready Light and System Status
The ECP ready light is located on the ECP’s main power button. This button also functions as your status
warning light.
Ready Light Status
Off The projector isn’t receiving power. Check your power cable,
RS-232 connector at the projector (located below the power cable) and
power supply. If nothing changes after checking your power cable, RS-232
connector and power supply, call your authorized SMART reseller.
Solid amber The projector is receiving power but is turned off.
Flashing green The projector is receiving power and is starting up.
Solid green The projector is on and the ECP is receiving power and communicating
with the projector.
Flashing amber The interactive whiteboard system is about to enter Idle mode.
Projector Ready Lights and Projector Status
The UF55 projector’s two indicator LED lights (Power and Temperature) are located on the
boom-mounted projector. Specific light sequences convey information about the state of your projector, including
warning messages and issues. The following table describes projector warning messages and issues.
After you resolve your projector’s issue, you must disconnect and then connect your projector
power cable, clear the indicator light sequence and reset your projector’s status.