99-00964-20 A0 Appendix A: Remotely Managing Your Interactive Whiteboard System 45
System Information
Allows you to switch system information.
Command Response Powered off
get projectorid projectorid=[current] no
get serialnum serialnum=[current] yes
get lamphrs lamphrs=[current] yes
get syshrs syshrs=[current] yes
get fwverddp fwverddp=[current] yes
get fwvernet fwvernet=[current] yes
get fwvermpu fwvermpu=[current] yes
get fwver fwver=[current] yes
get bootver bootver=[current] yes
Field Possible Values Description
current projectorid 0 to 99 Displays the projector’s assigned
ID number
current serialnum xxxxxxxxxxxxx Displays the projector’s serial number
current lamphrs 0 to 5000 Displays the current lamp hour usage
current syshrs 0 to 5000 Displays the current system
hour usage
current fwverddp x.x.x.x Displays the projector’s DDP version
current fwvernet x.x.x.x Displays the projector’s network
firmware version
current fwvermpu x.x.x.x Displays the MPU version
current fwver x.x.x.x Displays the ECP application version
current bootver x.x.x.x Displays the bootloader version