Field Possible Values Description
current netstatus connected
Displays the current state of the
network interface
current dhcp on
Displays whether the DHCP
networking is enabled or disabled
target dhcp =on
Displays whether the DHCP
networking is enabled or disabled
current ipaddr x.x.x.x Displays the current IP address
target ipaddr x.x.x.x Displays the target IP address
(only if dhcp=off)
current subnetmask x.x.x x Displays the current subnet mask
target subnetmask x.x.x.x Displays the target subnet mask
current gateway x.x.x.x Displays the current gateway
target gateway x.x.x.x Displays the target gateway
current primarydns x.x.x.x Displays the current primary DNS
target primarydns x.x.x.x Displays the target primary DNS
MAC address x-x-x-x-x-x Displays the device’s MAC address
44 Appendix A: Remotely Managing Your Interactive Whiteboard System 99-00964-20 A0