Step 4
Installing the SMC EZ connect USB Bridge Driver:
The bridge computer is the main computer in the network. There can only be one Bridge computer in the network, It is very important when you are installing the software to only install the Bridge drivers on one of the computers.
The InstallShield Wizard will
After you install this Bridge Driver on Computer B, there will be one more protocol: SMC EZ Connect USB Bridge Adapter in the Network Configuration. This is a routing protocol, you can use it to bridge between an USB LAN and an Ethernet LAN.
TCP/IP Setup on Computer A
When all installation processes are completed, you have to specify an IP address , Subnet Mask and Gateway on Computer A:
1.Click the Start menu, point to Setting\Control Panel. Double click Network icon. In Configuration tab, select TCP/IP
2.In IP Address tab, please choose “Specify an IP Adress”, and fill in the IP address and Subnet Mask value properly. These information should be from your MIS people and make sure this IP Address which is not in use of your Ethernet, or it will cause a network failure.
3.In Gateway tab, you must specify a proper value. This IP Address of Gateway should be the same with the other Computers in the Ethernet.
4.When complete all these TCP/IP setup processes, you have to restart your computer again. After that, the Computer A can use the EZ Connect USB Cable to connect Computer B to access the resources of Ethernet (File ,