Add/Edit Inbound Filter Rule
Here you can add entries to the Inbound Filter Rules List below, or edit existing entries.
Enter a name for the rule that is meaningful to you.
The rule can either Allow or Deny messages.
Source IP Range
Define the ranges of Internet addresses this rule applies to. For a single IP address, enter
the same address in both the Start and End boxes. Up to eight ranges can be entered.
The Enable checkbox allows you to turn on or off specific entries in the list of ranges.
Saves the new or edited Inbound Filter Rule in the following list. When finished updating
the Inbound Filter Rules List, you must still click the Save Settings button at the top of the
page to make the changes effective and permanent.
Inbound Filter Rules List
The section lists the current Inbound Filter Rules. An Inbound Filter Rule can be changed by
clicking the Edit icon, or deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the
item is highlighted, and the "Edit Inbound Filter Rule" section is activated for editing.
In addition to the filters listed here, two predefined filters are available wherever inbound filters
can be applied:
Allow All
Permit any WAN user to access the related capability.
Deny All
Prevent all WAN users from accessing the related capability. (LAN users are not affected
by Inbound Filter Rules.)