Broadcom (Widcomm) Bluetooth Stack:
Refer to the manual for your Bluetooth hardware/software for specific
instructions. Many Bluetooth USB adapters use this stack.
1. Turn on the Bluetooth radio of your computer.
2. Turn on the Cordless Ring Scanner. Press the small power button on the
side of the wrist unit for at least 2 seconds, until you hear a beep. The
Bluetooth status LED on the wrist unit will start blinking blue.
3. Perform a Quick Connect to a Bluetooth Serial Port. Click the Bluetooth
icon in the task tray. Click Quick Connect | Bluetooth Serial Port | Find
It is essential to connect to the CRS via Quick Connect because this sets
the CRS as your default Bluetooth serial device.
4. During the device search, the CRS will appear as Socket CRS [xxxxxx]
The characters in brackets are the last 6 characters of the scanner’s
Bluetooth MAC address.
5. If a passkey is requested, enter 1234. To indicate the connection, the
CRS will beep once.
By default, the Bluetooth software will ask you for the passkey each time
you connect. To stop the automatic prompts, under Advanced
Configuration, disable the Secure Connection requirement for both the
Local Service and Client Application, then unpair the devices. Refer to
the documentation for your Bluetooth hardware/software for complete