How to put on the CRS without the wrist unit case
Note: After you stick the Velcro strips to the wrist unit, the wrist unit will no
longer fit in the case, unless the Velcro strips are removed.
1. Stick the 2 adhesive Velcro strips onto the back of the wrist unit. Do not
space the strips too far apart. Note the size of the Velcro on the wrist strap.
2. Connect the free end of the cable to the ring scanner.
3. Attach the finger strap to the bottom of the ring scanner.
4. Put on the wrist strap. Adjust it for a secure and comfortable fit.
5. Put the ring scanner on your index finger, adjusting the finger strap for a
secure and comfortable fit.
6. Attach the wrist unit to the wrist strap, by pressing the Velcro together.