Page 16 Nucleus User Guide
Logic Pro 9The DAW protocol used by Logic Pro 9 is the Mackie Control Unit (MCU) protocol. Therefore when a Logic Profile is assigned
to a Nucleus DAW layer, in order for Nucleus to control Logic, a Mackie Control together with a Mackie Control Extender must
be added to Logic Pro. Click on Preferencesthen Control Surfaces Setup to access the menu shown below.
Both the Mackie Control and Mackie Control Extender provide
just eight faders. Therefore Nucleus faders 1-8 are mapped to the
Mackie Co ntrol po rts along with t he mas ter fa der and DAW
Control function switches whilst faders 9-16 are mapped to the
Mackie Control Extender ports. The actual ipMIDI ports used will
depend on which layer (or layers) have a Logic Profile assigned.
(Refer to the previous page for a list of Nucleus’ MIDI port
It is recommended t hat you delete a ny Mackie controlle rs
automatically created on set-up, and recreate the m manually.
Note that if the physical arrangement is reversed, then the
Nucleus faders will not map correctly to the on-screen faders in
If Logic is the only DAW connected to Nucleus, then provided that
there is only one DAW Layer set up with an MCU based Profile,
Logic should automatically detect the two vir tual cont rollers
which will be shown in the Logic Control Surfaces Setup menu
(as shown above), with the appropriate N ucleus ipMID I ports
assigned. If Logic fails to detect the control surfaces, then the
controllers can be added manually via the New, Installmenu and
the appropriate MIDI Out port and Input assigned. Full details
can be found in the online Logic Pro Control Surfaces Support
Guide in the Logic Helpmenu.
If Nucleus is set up with multiple MCU profiles in the DAW layers, then the automatic detection option must be disabled and
the controllers added and configured manually. Check the Disable Handshakebox in the DAWtab in Nucleus Remote (located
below the Edit Profiles button) for all the DAW layers assigned to a MCU Profile prior to starting the Logic application. This
will prevent Logic automatically detecting multiple Mackie Control Units.
For other DAWs, please refer to the relevant User Guide for details about configuring MIDI controllers.
See Section 5for a description of the Remote’s DAW tab.