Page 2 Nucleus User Guide
After this introduction, you will find a quick overview of Nucleus, followed by more detailed sections covering installation, use
of the Nucleus Logictivity Remote, and general Nucleus operation.
Throughout this manual, the following conventions will be used:
• Labels found on the Nucleus control surface are indicated Like This.
• Labels and text found either in the Nucleus Remote or other computer dialogues are indicated Like This.
• The few instances where we refer directly to computer filenames etc. will be shown
Like This
•Where necessary, DAW computer keyboard key strokes will be shown
like this
whilst function keys (as opposed to normal
numbers, symbols and characters) such as the ‘Control’ key will be shown with ‘angle’ brackets such as
• Where DAW protocol commands appear, the command or function will be shown with ‘curly’ brackets {
Notes and additional information appear like this.
• The Nucleus Logictivity Remote application will in some cases be abbreviated to just ‘Remote’.
• The Nucleus itself may be refered to either by name, as the ‘DAW controller’ or as the ‘control surface’.
Please be aware that screenshots shown may differ slightly in appearance from their on-screen equivalents.
The following terms are either concerned with general DAW control, or specific Nucleus operations:
CC Layer A Continuous Controller (‘CC’) Profile for use with MIDI devices.
DAW Digital Audio Workstation. Software which emulates a recording studio, such as ProTools, Logic and Nuendo.
ipMIDI MIDI control data sent over Ethernet.
HUI Human User Interface. The DAW control protocol used by ProTools and others.
Layers Different DAW programmes, one of which can be controlled by Nucleus at a time, though all transports can be
activated simultaneously from one transport master.
MCU Mackie Control Unit. The DAW control protocol used by Logic, Nuendo and others.
SD Card An SD memory card fitted to the rear of Nucleus for Profile storage.
Soft Keys Many switches on Nucleus can be programmed through the Nucleus Remote to perform DAW specific functions.
These switches are grouped together as ‘soft key sets’.
USER The USER 1and USER 2 switches located in the centre section area of Nucleus are used to apply soft key sets to
the switches above and below the scribble strip displays.
V-Pot In-channel rotary encoder, used to control a variety of parameters. In Nucleus, t he V-Pot is below the digital
V-Sel In-channel encoder switch, used to control a variety of parameters, often associated with the V-Pot. The switch
is activated by pressing the V-Pot. Note that the V-Selswitch is different from the channel select (SEL) switch.
Software Versions
The information in this manual is correct for Nucleus soft ware V1.0/3 or greater, Nucleus firmware V2.0/1 or greater and
Nucleus Browser V1.0/3 or greater.
Should you require assistance with Nucleus that is not addressed by this manual, please refer to the Support pages of the
SSL Website at www.solidstatelogic.com/support.