Nucleus User Guide Page 37
Basic Transport
Your DAW’s transport can be controlled from the rewind, fast forward,
stop, play and record TR ANSPORT switches at the bottom of the
centre section.
Above the main transport controls are three smaller switches. The
functions assigned to these switches are defined in the Nucleus
Remote by selecting theTransport / Utility Soft Key Set. Their default
HUI functions are printed above them, their default MCU functions are
printed below them.
Navigation Controls
The cursor switches (the four arrowed switches with a central
MODEkey to the left of the jog wheel) perform various DAW-
specific operations. Please refer to your DAW’s User Guide
for more information.
The large jog wheel performs a number of different
functions, as configured in the Nucleus Remote.
The switch above and to the right of the jog wheel is user
assignable –in protocols which include a function associated
with the wheel, it is assigned to this switch by default.
The jog wheel’s default function is ‘Wheel’, which is a basic scrolling function in most DAWs. The other modes are FF/RWand
+/–(HUI only timeline scrolling – resolution is controlled by the Timeline format and Nudge value respectively), and TRACKS
which assigns the channel scrolling function to the jog wheel.
Pro Tools Users:Note that the wheel does nothing in ‘Wheel’ mode until Jog or Shuttle mode is activated using the jog
wheel switch. Jog or Shuttle mode is assigned to the jog wheel switch via the Transport / Utility page within in the
Nucleus Remote. Jog mode is assigned by default.
Additional Master Controls
The modifier switches to the left of the MONITOR LEVELcontrol (labelled SHIFT, CTRL, OPTand ALT) as well as the ESC and
ENTERkeys above the jog wheel are protocol-specific. Please refer to your DAW’s User Guide for more information.
The SAVE, UNDO, F1and F2 switches above the jog wheel replicate their DAW functions.
All of these switches belong to the Transport / Utility soft key set – each of the functions performed by these switches can
be modified using the Nucleus Remote.
Note that some of these default assignments will not function with some DAWs.
Note also that the EQand DYN switches towards the top of the centre section are currently unassigned.
MODE Display (MCU Only)
The two digit MODEdisplay beneath the Nucleus logo displays the ‘Mode’ number within protocols which support this.