Depending on the host application implementation, the delay
compensation feature may not provide automatic
compensation when Duende PCIe plug-ins are inserted on
sends, groups, or buses. In this situation, the solution is to
manually compensate for the plug-ins.
These explanations of delay compensation apply primarily to
playback only.
Compensating for latency in Pro Tools LE and M-Powered
Because Pro Tools LE and M-Powered do not feature PDC it
must be done manually when Duende PCIe plug-ins are used.
Due to the nature of how signals are sent to and from Duende
PCIe, a latency is introduced which will delay any audio track,
aux input, master fader or instrument track by a specific
Tracks that use no Duende PCIe plug-ins or fewer than the
track with the most Duende PCIe plug-ins will need to be
delayed so that all tracks are in time. Because this latency is
reported by Pro Tools it is easily compensated for.
Here’s how:
The track with the most Duende PCIe plug-ins will introduce
the most latency, those with 1 or 2 plug-ins will introduce less
and those with no Duende PCIe plug-ins will introduce no
latency (providing other plug-ins that introduce latency are
not used).
To find out the latency in troduced on a particular track by
Duende PCIe plug-ins, go to the channel in the mixer and
Command/Ctrl+Clicktwice in the green text below the fader
(normally showing vol). The value shown (dly) is the latency
introduced on that track in samples.
Now load the ��Digidesign Time Adjuster Longplug-in on, for
example, a track with no Duende PCIe plug-ins. Double click
on the delay box and type in the latency value of the track that
has the most Duende PCIe plug-ins. The track with the most
Duende PCIe plug-ins and the track w ith none will now be
perfectly in sync on playback.
Steinberg Cubase 4
Steinberg Cubase SX 2 & 3
Steinberg Nuendo 2, 3 & 4
Logic Pro 7.1 or higher
Digital Performer 4.5 & higher
Pro Tools HD 7 or higher
Ableton Live 5 or higher
Cakewalk Sonar 5 or higher
Final Cut Pro
Soundtracks Pro
Pro Tools LE and M-Powered