Detailed Parameter Description |
| |
RANGE: Determines the depth of gating or expansion. When | ||
turned fully an ticlockwise (R ANGE = 0), thi s sect ion i s | ||
inactive. When turned fully clockwise, a range of 40dB can be | ||
obtained. |
THRESHOLD: A Variable hysteresis is incorporated in the | ||
threshold circuitry. For any given ‘open’ setting, the | ||
Expander/Gate will have a lower | ‘close’ threshol d. The | |
hysteresis value is increased as the threshold is lowered. This | ||
is very useful in music recording as it allows instruments to | ||
decay below the open threshold before gating or expansion | ||
takes place. |
RELEASE: This determines t he tim e constant (spe ed), | ||
variable from 0.1 to 4 se conds, at which the Gate/Expander | ||
reduces the signal level once it has passed below the threshold. | ||
Note that this control interacts with the RANGE control. | ||
FAST ATT: Provides a fast at tack tim e (100μs per 40db). | ||
When off, a controlled linear attack time of 1.5ms per 40dB is | ||
selected. T he attack time | is t he ti me taken for the | |
Expander/Gate to ‘recover’ once the signal level is above the | ||
threshold. When gating signals with a steep rising edge, such | ||
as d rums, a s low a ttack may effecti | vely mask the i nitial | |
‘Thwack’, so you should be aware of this when selecting the | ||
appropriate attack time. |
| he signal has dec ayed |
HOLD: Determines the time after t |
below the threshold before the gate closes. Variable from 0 to 4 seconds.
Note that when the Dynamics Section is not in circuit, the sidechain input is also bypassed.
Output Section
The Output Section consists of a ±20dB output gain control, and a
S/C LISTEN: Pressing the SC LISTEN switch routes the sidechain directly to t he output, so you c an moni tor th e sidechain signal.
BYPASS ALL: Engaging this button will bypass all channel processing whilst still routing the signal through Duende. This avoids the time shift which occurs when a ‘hard’ by pass is done using the default DAW control, allowing for easier A/B comparison between processed and unprocessed signals.