Appendix E- Log Viewer Messages Page 53
ERROR Failed to construct quick mode hash payload.
ERROR Failed to construct quick mode packet.
ERROR Failed to construct responder lifetime payload.
ERROR Failed to construct RSA signature.
ERROR Failed to construct signature payload.
ERROR Failed to construct source proxy ID payload.
ERROR Failed to construct XAuth payload.
ERROR Failed to convert the peer name to an IP address.
ERROR Failed to create a new connection entry: an entry already exists
with ID.
ERROR Failed to create connection entry with message ID.
ERROR Failed to decrypt buffer.
ERROR Failed to decrypt mode config payload.
ERROR Failed to decrypt notify payload.
ERROR Failed to decrypt packet.
ERROR Failed to decrypt quick mode payload.
ERROR Failed to encrypt mode config payload.
ERROR Failed to encrypt notify payload.
ERROR Failed to encrypt packet.
ERROR Failed to encrypt quick mode payload.
ERROR Failed to expand packet to size bytes.
ERROR Failed to find an SA list for PROTO_IPSEC_AH.
ERROR Failed to find an SA list for PROTO_IPSEC_ESP.
ERROR Failed to find an SA list given the protocol.
ERROR Failed to find certificate with ID.
ERROR Failed to find connection entry for message ID.
ERROR Failed to find exit interface to reach.
ERROR Failed to find MAC address in the system interfaces table.
ERROR Failed to find matching SA list.
ERROR Failed to find message ID and matching cookies in the connection
entry list.
ERROR Failed to find message ID in the connection entry list.
ERROR Failed to find message ID in the SA list.
Table 3: Log Viewer Messages