Playing Back a Message at a Desired |
Time with an Alarm....................................... | 49 |
Editing Messages |
Erasing Messages............................................ | 52 |
Erasing messages one by one............ | 52 |
Erasing all messages in a folder......... | 53 |
Moving a Message to a Different |
Folder...................................................................... | 54 |
Dividing a Message into Two................... | 56 |
Preventing Accidental Operation |
– the HOLD function..................................... | 58 |
Utilizing the Menu Function |
Making Settings for the Menu................ | 59 |
Utilizing Your Computer |
Using the IC Recorder with Your |
Computer............................................................. | 72 |
System requirements............................... | 72 |
Connecting the IC recorder to your | |
computer......................................................... | 73 |
Disconnecting the IC recorder from | |
your computer............................................. | 74 |
Transferring Files from Your Computer | |
to the IC Recorder........................................... | 75 |
Copying a music file from your |
computer to the IC recorder |
(drag and drop)............................................ | 75 |
Construction of folders and files....... | 76 |
Transferring Files from the IC Recorder | |
to Your Computer........................................... | 78 |
Using the IC Recorder as a USB Mass |
Storage Device................................................. | 79 |
Using Voice Recognition Software....... | 80 |
Introducing the voice recognition |
software............................................................ | 80 |
Creating a user file adapted to your | |
recorded speech (Training).................. | 81 |
Playing Back Music Files.............................. | 82 |
Enjoying the music files more ........... | 84 |
Listening to the FM Radio |
Tuning in an FM radio Station................. | 85 |
Switching the FM radio output |
between speaker and |
headphones................................................... | 87 |
Switching the receiver sensitivity of | |
the FM radio................................................... | 88 |
Recording FM broadcasts...................... | 89 |