On the computer side, i.LINK technology allows up to 63 devices to be linked together without many of the rules and limitations of competing technologies such as SCSI. There are no addresses to set on the devices, no terminator needed at the end of the bus. The SCSI maximum is 15 devices with only a single host. IEEE 1394 allows more than one computer system to be connected via i.LINK technology to the same devices which makes shared peripherals much easier to connect and use than the current means via networked computers. And since IEEE 1394 is multiplatform, it does not matter which Operating System different personal computers are using.

On the audio video side only one cable is required and the cable itself is bi-directional. No longer is there the need to connect the left audio out signal of one device to the left audio in signal of another device, right audio out to right audio in. The same is true for video cabling which can use up to three cables for component signals. For these audio video devices if you want to change recording or editing direction between devices, or change which two of multiple devices you want to work together, you have to dive into the spaghetti of cables and reconnect them the other way.

CD-R and CD-RW

CD-R is the term used to denote CD-Recordable media. CD-R discs are recorded permanently. Once information is written, it cannot be erased. Data can be added until the disc is full. CD-R media is good for creating archived information that need not be changed, or for distribution because the price of CD-R media has dropped rapidly in the last few years.

CD-RW is the term used to denote CD-ReWritable media. CD-RW discs can be written to many times. CD-RW media is rated for one thousand different writes to the media. CD-RW is a perfect medium for creating reliable backups that can be added to as necessary, and even rewritten as your backup scheme requires.

While CD-RW media is more expensive than CD-R media it has a lower cost per megabyte than other competing technologies, such as Magneto-Optical or even magnetic removable media drives.
